Rocio Osborne

Crisis? What Crisis? is a website and campaign for one thing: to get consumer confidence back. With this the Confianza Foundation is trying to increase the consumption that will help us to improve the economic situation in Spain, which has become pretty bad in the last two years. To give you an idea, the last figure of the unemployment rate was up to 18.83% (INE) and some sources say that we will reach 20% by the end of the year.

To fight this situation the Spanish Chamber of Commerce has created the Confianza Foundation, who is in charge of this great marketing campaign. On the website they encourage people to upload videos, experiences and ideas to overcome the economic depression. Some are really creative, but all try to give people hope and cheer them up to regain confidence and increase consumption.

I agree with the fact that all of this 24 hour-talking-about-the-crisis does not help us, all the way around, it makes people scared and they stop buying; therefore, the consumption drops and more businesses close, so more people lose their jobs and the problem keeps getting bigger and bigger. It´s not that you have to go out and buy things like a shopalcoholic, but the opposite does not help either.

I do like the idea of the web, with people sharing their experiences and giving us hope; that even in bad times, some people find it helpful to hear about the experiences and ideas of others. Small things like this can really inspire our creativity.

For the TV commercial a lot of well known Spaniards collaborated: NBA basket player Pau Gasol and his brother Mark, Chef Ferran Adriá, TV presenter Andreu Buenafuente, journalist Angels Barceló, psychiatrist Luis Rojas Marcos, rallies champion Carlos Sainz, etc. But they are not alone, as other unknown people participate in the commercial as well. All of them try to explain how pessimism will not help us and that some people are successful in these tough times. But what they are really trying to get across is the idea that all of us can help to sort this situation out, and that it depends on us to work together to make things better. That is what the claim means, “solo nosotros lo podemos arreglar”, only we can sort it out!!

So let´s start trying!! Any good ideas to sort this out??
